Recode Activator Module 3
"To see a world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wild flower.
To hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour"
- William Blake
Recode Module 3 Videos
This week's trainings contain 10 videos on Recoding Your Reality - Becoming More Multi-Dimensional plus one bonus video below of an inspiring speech given by Severn Suzuki when she was 12-years old. It's an example of a Level 7 / Level 8 consciousness. Start each module by watching the videos below and following along with our downloadable Recode Manual.
Each module contains exercises and reflection questions to help you integrate this material. These exercises will be explained in the videos and will appear in an editable Recode Workbook which you can use to fill in your responses.
Click the video thumbnails below to watch each video or download the audio versions below to listen on the go. You'll find the Recode Manual and Workbook for Module 3 down below to gain access to the summaries, diagrams, integration exercises, and reflection journal discussed in this video.
RECODE MODULE 3, Video 1: What It Means To Be Multi-Dimensional (17:32)
In this video we give an overview of this week's content and talk about what begin multi-dimensional means and how each dimension makes up it's own reality.
RECODE MODULE 3, Video 2: Why Become More Dimensional? (15:27)
In this video we talk about the 5 key reasons why it's vital to become more multi-dimensional walking through how your dimensionality relates to things like your ability to gain mastery, to lead, be followable, be trustable, influential and compelling and experience the richness of life.
RECODE MODULE 3, Video 3: Multi-Dimensional Assessment (6:04)
In this video we introduce our Multi-Dimensional Assessment and key 4 ways of being to approach this assessment. Understand why an attitude of honesty, exploration, appreciation, and instinctive response are your keys to get the most out of it. You'll STOP here and do the survey now before continuing to watch the remaining videos.
RECODE MODULE 3, Video 4: The 5 Vectors of Dimensionality (14:30)
In this video we walk you through an overview of each of the 5 vectors of dimensionality and share a bit about why we've chosen each vector to help you recode your reality.
RECODE MODULE 3, Video 5: Polarity (Masculine/Feminine) (34:07)
In this video we look at the first dimensionality within the concept of polarity and specifically explore the universally relevant polarities of the masculine and the feminine. We'll also present a 4 quadrant matrix of polarities you can use as a diagnostic tool to develop your influence and to diagnose which areas you most need to develop in yourself.
RECODE MODULE 3, Video 6: Time (Past, Present, Future) (23:23)
In this video we discuss the dimensionality of time. You'll explore your ability to freely place your consciousness in your past, your present, or your future without any stuck energy. We look at the nature of time and how it can serve to enrich and manifest what you want to experience.
RECODE MODULE 3, Video 7: Levels of Consciousness (35:04)
In this video we dive into the third vector of dimensionality - the spiral dynamics model of human development and cultural evolution developed originally by Clare-Graves. Here we explore the mindsets, values, and ideals that drive our behavior as we evolve up the 7 and 8 levels of consciousness.
RECODE MODULE 3, Video 8: Domains of Intelligences (30:20)
In this video we go through a detailed look at the next vector of dimensionality which is the 9 domains of intelligences theorized by Howard Gardner and what capabilities become unlocked when we develop in each of these areas.
RECODE MODULE 3, Video 9: Archetypes (26:13)
In this video we take a look at the fifth and final vector of dimensionality, the archetypes. We'll explore what they are and how they operate in our lives and present to you an archetype matrix to help you identify which of these universal energies to focus on in your life.
RECODE MODULE 3, Video 10: Integration (5:37)
In this video we finish out this week's deep and rich content with a summation and a call to begin integrating the material so far. This week you explored and assessed these vectors of dimensionality. Up next week we will look at how you change and evolve these dimensionalities within yourself.
RECODE BONUS: 12 Year Old Girl (Severn Suzuki) Addresses the UN
In 1992 Severn Suzuki a 12-year old girl Addressed the UN, silencing the world for telling them to change their ways in what is one of the most inspiring speeches I have ever heard. It is an incredible example of a young girl operating at a Level 8 Consciousness. Thank you Servern Suzuki for your incredible message.