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Recode Activator Module 10

"Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be who we know we could be." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • Recode Your Leadership, Part 2

    Building A Support Network.  In this module we will look at building your team with the right power players or key relationships. There are 5 Key Players inside of the support network. When peolpe say team you often think of the people you hired, but really you need to lead your whole network. These 5 positions are crucial to your success.

Recode Module 10 Videos

This week's trainings contain 9 videos  on Recoding Your Leadership - Building a Support Network, where you'll learn how to expand your relationship to team.  Start each module by watching the videos below and following along with our downloadable Recode Manual.

Each module contains exercises and reflection questions to help you integrate this material.  These exercises will be explained in the videos and will appear in an editable Recode Workbook which you can use to fill in your responses.

Click the video thumbnails below to watch each video or download the audio versions below to listen on the go.  You'll find the Recode Manual and Workbook for Module 10 down below to gain access to the summaries, diagrams, integration exercises, and reflection journal discussed in this video.

RECODE MODULE 10, Video 1: Building A Support Network (22:39)

In this video we’re going to look at building your team with the right power players or key relationships.  We'll take a look at what specifically makes you attractive to those key players and the 3 common fallacies that most people believe that get in the way of them building a powerful support network.

RECODE MODULE 10, Video 2: Revealing the 5 Key Players (26:51)

In this video we'll look at who the 5 key players to build your support network are and how you can identify them.  We'll share 2 core values to hold which will help you begin reshaping how you relate to these key players and will learn more about what exactly they are looking for that will have them excited and enrolled in joining your network.

RECODE MODULE 10, Video 3: The Connectors (19:05)

In this video we will define the first of the 5 key relationship which will build your support network which is the Connector.  We’ll dive into all of the components of who they are, how they think, what they are motivated by, and the 5 key assets you need to have in place to attract connectors to your network.

RECODE MODULE 10, Video 4: The A-Players (15:44)

In this video we will look deeply at the next key relationship you need to build in your support network which is the A-Player.  We identify the 5 key assets or puzzle pieces you'll need in place before you can successfully attract A-players to your team along with an exercise designed to help you build your perfect A-Player description.

RECODE MODULE 10,  Video 5: The Affiliates & Partners (19:30)

In this video we explore building your support network with Affiliates and Partnership.  Here we'll take a look at 4 types of partnerships that you might not realize you can utilize for your project and the 4 key assets or puzzle pieces you'll need to have in place to create successful and mutually beneficial relationships with Affiliates and Partners.

RECODE MODULE 10, Video 6: The Financiers (20:03)

In this video we explore financier who is often the most misunderstood.  We look at the reason why we often don't make introductions to the financiers in our network and the 5 key puzzle pieces you'll need to build first to have them willing and excited to talk to you.

RECODE MODULE 10, Video 7: The Heavyweights (18:42)

In this video we explore building your support network with a Heavy Weight which are the most often misunderstood and therefore least often taken advantage of.  We'll get into their unique situations, agendas, and concerns learning how to interface with them in a way that has them empowered to represent us to their significant audiences.  In this video we'll explore 5 key assets that heavy weights need to work with us.

RECODE MODULE 10, Video 8: How to Network to the 5 Key Players (22:41)

In this video we talk about three key ways to network to get into proximity of these 5 key relationships exploring two principles that affect how easily these people enter into your sphere.  We also talk about how to reshaper your relating with them so that you are forming true friendships with them along with the real reasons that this is so important when building your support network.

RECODE MODULE 10, Video 9: Integration & Reflections (14:32)

In this video we take a closer look at each of the 4 asset classes you'll need to have in place to be able to interact effectively with any of these key players along with this week's reflections questions.

  • Integration Exercise

    This week we are having you Recode your Leadership, part II which has you forming 10 Key Relationships to build your support network to advance your mission.

    The full instructions are in the RECODE MANUAL AND WORKBOOK for Module 10 with a summary of the exercises below.

    1.  10 Key Relationships – Perfect Key Player Descriptions:  There are 10 key relationships that most projects need to develop in order to have maximum participation and impact.  In this integration exercise you will be walked step by step into understanding each of the 5 key players and a checklist of what they need along with a fill in the blank paragraph you will fill out which will help you describe your perfect key player.  You’ll use this description and the puzzle pieces to reach out to your network and find these people.

    2.  Networking Letter:  This network letter is a template you can use to put together correspondence to reach out and activate your network to help you find anything from jobs, to clients, and key players.  Use this template to create your own correspondence with the connectors in your network.

  • Self Reflections

    Reflections exercises are one or more questions that we’d like you to be in deep consideration of for the entire week.  These are meant to be shared with your family, friends, and community so that they can offer you a more complete 360 view of yourself, your identity, and your reality.

    Everyone has blind spots.  These are areas where we are less developed that are outside our view.  Getting reflections will point out things that you might not ever know yourself.

    In addition, the more you consider these reflection questions the more likely you’ll be able to break through your current level of thinking and use the exercises to leap frog into a new level of consciousness.

    These questions will be posted on the Recode Facebook Forum where they are meant to be responded to by you from week to week.  Here are this weeks reflection exercises:

    1. Which of the key relationships do you think is important for you to establish next?
    2. What are the fears or stories that come up for you that might block you from reaching out and making a connection with this key player?


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