Watch this Welcome Video to get an orientation to the FACILITATOR PROGRAM and to prepare yourself to get the most out of the next 6 months.

Watch the Welcome Video

Just Added: RECODE Facilitation Program Welcome Video

Welcome RECODE Facilitator Level 1 Members

Industry Rockstar Audience StandingCongratulations on enrolling in one of the most powerful facilitation trainings in the world.  You're learn how to become an agent for transformation making massive impact in all your interactions from three internationally recognized thought leaders, entrepreneurs and facilitators.  You’ve taken a powerful step and we're excited to begin this journey with you to learn one of our favorite crafts.

The RECODE Facilitator Program is a combination of the most powerful thinking frameworks that global leaders, movers and shakers, and change agents are using to create a real and measurable impact in their communities, industries, and countries, the most up-to-date and relevant business strategies you'll need to  make this into a successful business, and the most impactful teachings on how to learn the art of creating change.

You are standing at the front door to this new way of living, this new way of being.  You are standing at the front door of your place in history as a leader in the next stage of human evolution.  You are here because you have the ability to help us reach critical mass for humanity, but you can only do so if you upgrade your thinking frameworks and apply yourself to the greatest global game possible.

What You'll Be Learning:

Learn the business of facilitation...

  • How to package your services with an ascension model of offerings for multiple levels of participation
  • How to market your message and invite people to webinars, telseminars, small groups, and larger live events
  • How to effectively use social media and email broadcasting to position yourself as a thought leader in your area
  • How to setup the logistics for your events
  • How to create JV partnerships
  • How to effectively network and powerfully followup with participants
  • How to nail 1:on:1 sales interactions
  • How to use viral loop strategies to create a steady stream of new participants and clients

Learn the art of facilitation...

  • How to create transformational content using a simple learnable format
  • How to be a dynamic storyteller to emotionally move your audience
  • How to structure your presentations for 1hr, 4hr, 1 day, and multi-day events
  • How to facilitate transformational exercises
  • How to create 'staging' questions to guide high impact dialogue and debriefs
  • How to deliver your message with your body and your voice
  • How to be an expert teacher and trainer of the cutting edge Recode thinking frameworks
  • How to prepare your mind before, during, and after your talk so that your presence is calm, deliberate, and confident

STEP 1: Access Your Resources

  • Weekly Online Trainings

    Live Masterclass Trainings.  Over 6 months twice a month on Mondays at 2pm PST this comprehensive ‘Business in a Box’ facilitator training includes all the thinking frameworks and Conscious Dimension Discussions® in a group setting.  12 (60 minute) training calls (2 per month) – one part content one part 1:1 coaching.  See call schedule below to register for each call then access the recordings and materials on the Masterclass Trainings page.

  • Recode Facilitator's Resource Manual

    This manual contains a break down of how to facilitate the Impact Models®, thinking frameworks, integration exercises, self reflections & templates for delivering a transformational experience in a group setting.  This manual is a blue-print for how to get paid to deliver transformative conversations to others.  Access each manual on the Masterclass Trainings page.

  • 1-Year Mentorship Forum Access

    Get access to our private client Recode Mentorship Forum where you can ask Bryan, Jennifer & Kane ANY question you have about your Business, Project or Career for 12 full months and receive mentorship and guidance. Bryan, Jennifer, and Kane will be available for office hours on this Recode Forum.

  • Live 3-Day Facilitator Training Event

    A powerful, 3-Day Live Training July 24th – July 26th in the San Francisco, CA area that pushes your ability to facilitate transformation to the limit.  Get live feedback and engage in a closed door intensive to launch and strengthen your facilitation practice.  Be engaged in one of the most cutting edge training forums for personal development experts and global messengers.  RSVP here.

  • NLP Practioner's Course

    24 Videos to step you through the basics of Neuro Linguistic Programming including advanced dimensions of rapport.  NLP is the study of the relationship between how we think, communicate and behave. By modeling the thinking strategies and emotional states of high performers, we can learn how to adopt far more successful models of behavior – effectively ‘modeling excellence’. Click here to access this course.

  • Sales Mastery Course

    Learn the art of 1 on 1 sales from two of the top trainers in the world.  Master the emotional sales process and become a world class closer while learning to sell from your heart and connect deeply with your clients.  Use these skills to accelerate your facilitation business (or any business.  Click here to access this douse.

  • 7 Recode Initiator Licenses

     You’ll receive 7 license codes for the Recode Initiator program which you can resell or give away at your discretion.  Use these licenses to start your first Recode transformational discussion group.  Use the link to enter in the names and email addresses of those you’d like us to give your licenses to.

STEP 2: Register for Your Live Masterclass Trainings

CALL#1 - April 13th, 2015 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PST

How To Package Your Group Coaching


CALL#3 - May 11th 2015 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PST

How to Market Your Message


CALL#5 - June 8th, 2015 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PST

How to Master 1:on:1 Sales Conversations


CALL#7 - July 6th, 2015 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PST

Setting Up The Logistics Of Your Event


CALL#9 - August 3rd, 2015 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PST

Staging Questions and Running An Exercise


CALL#11 - September 14th, 2015 2:00 - 3:00 PM PST

Using Viral Loops to Attract Clients and Fill Your Rooms


CALL#2 - April 27th, 2015 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PST

How to Develop Transformation Content


CALL#4 - May 25th, 2015 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PST

How to Be A Dynamic Storyteller


CALL#6 - June 22nd, 2015 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PST

How to Structure Your Presentation


CALL#8 - July 20th, 2015 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PST

How To Create JV Partnerships


CALL#10 - August 17th, 2015 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PST

How to Run A Debrief


CALL#12 - September 28th 2015 2:00 - 3:00 PM PST

How To Deliver Your Message With Your Body & Voice


STEP 3: RSVP For the 3-Day Live Facilitator Training

Marriot San Francisco Airport Waterfront Hotel
1800 Old Bayshore Hwy, Burlingame, CA 94010

Direct Line: TBD | Main Line: (650) 692-9100
Website URL Marriot San Francisco Airport Hotel Webiste


July 24th - July 26th, 2015 San Francisco, CA
Friday - Sunday 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM PST

You must RSVP for the event so we can plan accordingly.

Registration will begin on the first day at 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM Friday
The event will go from  9:30 AM to 6:30 PM each day and may go longer at the facilitator's discretion depending on how much material is covered during each session.  Lunches will be approximately between 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM.  There are restaurants in the hotel and nearby for meals.


You will need to RSVP for this event so we have an accurate head count.

Wherever you are at in the RECODE Activator Online training and the Recode Facilitator calls at that time is perfect for you to join us, as the Live event is a totally stand alone week of powerful LIVE Facilitation Training.  Make sure you arrange to be there as you will find it very powerful.

Can't wait!!!!
Your RECODE Team


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