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NLP Practioner Course

  • BONUS#3: NLP Practioner Course

    24 x Videos.  The NLP Practioner course will step you through the basics of Neuro Linguistic Programming including advanced dimensions of rapport.

    NLP is the study of the relationship between how we think, communicate and behave. By studying these relationships we can transform current behaviors and help bring about lasting change.  Even better – by modeling the thinking strategies and emotional states of high performers, we can learn how to adopt far more successful models of behavior – effectively ‘modeling excellence’.

    NLP can help you to:

    Increase your effectiveness in all areas of your work and personal life including motivation, time management, decision-making and creative thinking.

    Create immediate rapport, becoming a leader and influencer in your work.

    Negotiate like a master creating win-win solutions.

    Communicate in a compelling and accessible way so that marketing and sales messages are effective and profitable.

    Enhance the performance of others, improving the results of teamwork and the work environment.

    Now you can discover the most advanced science on the planet for motivation, success and influence. Set goals, reach them faster and with greater ease than you ever thought possible and improve your performance in all aspects of your life.

NLP Pradtioner Video#1 - Welcome

NLP Practioner Video#2 - Nested Frames of NLP

NLP Practioner Video#3 - Presuppositions Part 1

NLP Practioner Video#4 - NLP Presuppositions Part 2

NLP Practioner Video#5 - Rapport Part 1

NLP Practioner Video#6 - Rapport Part 2

NLP Practioner Video#7 - Rapport Part 3

NLP Practioner Video#8 - Rapport Part 4

NLP Practioner Video#9 - Rapport Part 5

NLP Practioner Video#10 - Rapport Part 6

NLP Practioner Video#11 - Rapport Part 7

NLP Practioner Video#12 - Rapport Part 8

NLP Practioner Video#13 - Rapport Part 9

NLP Practioner Video#14 - Rapport Part 10

NLP Practioner Video#15 - Rapport Part 11

NLP Practioner Video#16 - Rapport Part 12

NLP Practioner Video#17 - NLP Calibration

NLP Practioner Video#18 - NLP Logical Levels of Change

NLP Practioner Video#19 - NLP Eye Access Cues Part 1

NLP Practioner Video#20 - NLP Eye Access Cues Part 2

NLP Practioner Video#21 - NLP The Outcome Frame

NLP Practioner Video#22 - NLP Outcome Frame Present State

NLP Practioner Video#23 - NLP Anchoring

NLP Practioner Video#24 - NLP Emotional States