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Recode Activator Module 12

"It is our duty to concentrate all our influence to make popular that which is sound and good,
and unpopular that which is unsound."
 - Joseph Smith Jr

  • Recode Your Influence, Part II

    Mobilizing Global Teams.  In this module looks at the specific strategies and platforms you can use to be effective in engaging and mobilizing an audience around your movement and the mechanics of moving from everyday physical reach toward expansion into a more global reach.  We’ll look at the 5 critical communication channels exploring how your audiences uses each of those channels to find you, what  time and money investments you can expect, what metrics to use to know if it’s working, what the tricks of the trade are, and preparatory steps you can take to begin.

Recode Module 12 Videos

This week's trainings contain 10 videos  on Recoding Your Influence - Mobilizing Global Teams, where you'll the specific strategies to communicate with a global audience.  Start each module by watching the videos below and following along with our downloadable Recode Manual.

Each module contains exercises and reflection questions to help you integrate this material.  These exercises will be explained in the videos and will appear in an editable Recode Workbook which you can use to fill in your responses.

Click the video thumbnails below to watch each video or download the audio versions below to listen on the go.  You'll find the Recode Manual and Workbook for Module 12 down below to gain access to the summaries, diagrams, integration exercises, and reflection journal discussed in this video.

RECODE MODULE 12, Video 1: Mobilizing a Global Team (13:24)

In this video we look at the specific strategies you'll need to engage and mobilize a global audience through 5 communication channels.  We'll explore the criteria you can use to select which of these 5 strategies to use for your project or business.

RECODE MODULE 12, Video 2: Finding Your Market & Audience (21:11)

In this video we look at the mechanics of identifying your marketing and audience and understanding how to find them, how to reach out to them, and how to know where they are hanging out.  We look at 4 criteria to help you identify and locate your audience and 3 warnings of what not to do when identifying your audience.

RECODE MODULE 12, Video 3: Communication Channels (23:37)

In this video we look at how to do step two in our blueprint for influence which is about changing their minds.   We'll walk you through the 4 components you'll need to influence and change someone's beliefs in our compelling clear story format.  You'll learn how to use this tool to both improve your ability to be a change maker and to diagnose exactly how to improve any clear story.

RECODE MODULE 12, Video 4: The Tribe is Waiting (Social Networks) (28:18)

In this video we will look at our first communication channel which are the Social networks of Facebook and Youtube.  Here we explore how your audience finds you, what time and money investment you can expect to make, what key metrics you should be tracking, our top 3 tips and tricks along with some how to's on vitality, and end with your first few preparatory steps to start using this channel to activate your audience.

RECODE MODULE 12,  Video 5: The World Stage Speaker (24:14)

In this video we explore how to recruit an audience and local leaders to your cause.  We go through two ways to 'play' with speaking opportunities and 3 different kinds of stages you can speak on.  In addition we walk you through the key steps to take to have access to speaking opportunities.

RECODE MODULE 12, Video 6: Continuous Content (Podcasts & Blogs) (22:52)

In this video we look at the heart of “Content Marketing”: Blogs and Podcasts - and how you can use them to create a personal relationship with your audience en masse. You’ll learn how to leverage a small amount of time and money to make a big impact with your message, and you’ll learn how to create the two key actions that make the difference between a successful blog / podacst and a waste of time that doesn’t gain any traction.

RECODE MODULE 12, Video 7: The Lime Light (PR & Media) (20:08)

In this video we will look at how to use PR and Media as your communication channel.  We explore  what you need to know to work with an agent or go at it alone, what topics the media loves to talk about, and the importance of sound bytes.

RECODE MODULE 12, Video 8: Dead Trees Change Minds (24:34)

In this video you will be stepped through the exact steps a professional publisher uses to help new book writers understand the process from idea to publishing. 14 steps detailed out will give you a system for how to take your knowledge and wisdom and publish it to get your message out there. Also included in this video is a look at publishing things like ebooks and press releases which will be very important aspects of delivering your message through the written form.  Click here to access Bonus #5 - Publishing To Raise Your Profile Course.

RECODE MODULE 12, Video 9: Integration & Reflections (11:19)

In this video we talk about the movement beyond you looking at several key things you begin to focus on and develop as you widen your reach.  In addition we give you this weeks reflections to help focus you mobilizing your audience.

  • Integration Exercise

    This week in Recode your Influence, Part II we have you looking choosing your audience and looking at 5 different communication channels.  Picking one to focus on this week that matches both where you are most inspired and where you already have the most assets and resources.

    The full instructions are in the RECODE MANUAL AND WORKBOOK for Module 12 with a summary of the exercises below.

    1.  Choosing your communication channel:  In this exercise you will answer 3 questions under each of the 5 communication channels: social networks, speaking, podcasts & blogs, PR & media, and books and see which one has the most resounding YES’s so you can pick a channel to focus on this week.

    2.  Social Networks – Setting up Facebook:  In this exercise you will walk through the preparatory steps you need to take to setup Facebook as your communication channel along with some tips for how to enhance engagement.

    3.  Social Networks – Setting up Youtube:  In this exercise you will walk through the preparatory steps you need to take to setup Youtube as your communication channel along with some tips and tricks to get more views.

    4.  Speaking – Getting Speaking Opportunities:  In this exercise you will follow the 3 preparatory steps to getting your first speaking engagement along with the necessary elements to put together for your speaker kit.

    5.  Setting Up a Podcast or Blog:  In this exercise you will follow the preparatory steps to putting together your first podcast or blog.

    6.  Preparing your PR & Media Campaign:   In this exercise you will begin to create your Hit List of publications that are the proper message to market fit for your campaign and will develop your Juicy deadlines and sound bites that pop.

    7.  Preparing to write a book:  In this exercise you will brainstorm your book topic and develop a rough sketch of your chapter titles.

  • Self Reflections

    Reflections exercises are one or more questions that we’d like you to be in deep consideration of for the entire week.  These are meant to be shared with your family, friends, and community so that they can offer you a more complete 360 view of yourself, your identity, and your reality.

    Everyone has blind spots.  These are areas where we are less developed that are outside our view.  Getting reflections will point out things that you might not ever know yourself.

    In addition, the more you consider these reflection questions the more likely you’ll be able to break through your current level of thinking and use the exercises to leap frog into a new level of consciousness.

    These questions will be posted on the Recode Facebook Forum where they are meant to be responded to by you from week to week.  Here are this weeks reflection exercises:

    1. What have noticed about things that pull your attention away from core project/business?
    2. What would you need to invest to make the future projection more positive and believable to you
    3. Which channel did you chose and what are your likely resistance points to being successful in that channel?
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