Recode Activator Module 8
"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in service to others." - Mahatma Gandhi
Total Alignment Process
Recode Module 8 Videos
This week's trainings contain 13 videos on Recoding Your Mission - Clearing Your Objections To Growth, where you'll learn how how to align and create a plan to further your mission. Start each module by watching the videos below and following along with our downloadable Recode Manual.
Each module contains exercises and reflection questions to help you integrate this material. These exercises will be explained in the videos and will appear in an editable Recode Workbook which you can use to fill in your responses.
Click the video thumbnails below to watch each video or download the audio versions below to listen on the go. You'll find the Recode Manual and Workbook for Module 8 down below to gain access to the summaries, diagrams, integration exercises, and reflection journal discussed in this video.
RECODE MODULE 8, Video 1: Clearing Your Objections to Growth (12:22)
In this video we look at the hidden or other than conscious objections you have for growth and introduce the idea that you can access a new storyline that clears those objections. We spend some time looking at the sabotage patterns looking at a key leverage point you have to breakthrough these patterns.
RECODE MODULE 8, Video 2: Uncovering Psychological Objections (24:15)
As you begin your work on creating a game for maximum participation and impact, you will have more and more opportunity. With this opportunity often comes new objections. In this video we uncover the 6 most common psychological objections to growth and how to clear them so they don't hold you back from your mission.
RECODE MODULE 8, Video 3: Uncovering Logistical Objections (10:52)
In this video we begin look at the 3 biggest logistical objections that are the so called 'real' objections that 'really' affect your ability to take advantage of opportunity. In this video we explore how even these logistical objections are all in your head and what orientation you can have to clear them.
RECODE MODULE 8, Video 4: Shrink Wrap Your Commitments (9:13)
In this video we talk about your will power as a limited resource and look at how to set up a game that relies on what you automatically and naturally do.
RECODE MODULE 8, Video 5: The Needle Mover, Set Goals You'll Reach (16:12)
In this video introduce three types of personalities that can get in the way of you setting targets you will achieve and experiencing achievement and success in your life and how you can use 'The Needle Mover' technique to create an action plan you will win.
RECODE MODULE 8, Video 6: Creating Structures of Accountability (18:19)
In this video, we help you bridge the gap between what you intend and what you actually accomplish by using a tool that all highly successful people rely on. You'll learn how to build an effective and easy-to-use system for keeping yourself on track, as well as how to avoid some common pitfalls.
RECODE MODULE 8, Video 7: Know when to hold em, Know when to fold em (16:13)
In this video we explore the importance of course correction in the building of your project and how to incorporate two techniques to help you know when to continue (hold 'em) and when to top (fold 'em).
RECODE MODULE 8, Video 8: Actions Into Habits (17:13)
Once you've got a workable action plan it's time to look at turning some of those actions into new habits. In this video we talk about how habits are formed and a few counterintuitive methods to create those habits.
RECODE MODULE 8, Video 9: Interview with Dr. John Demartini (31:23)
In this interview, Dr. John Demartini (Star from The Film The Secret), shares his views on how to achieve your most inspired mission from his 4 decades of research and teaching. His international presentations (in over 25 different countries) share the principles of assembling and orchestrating one’s highest calling and how to organize a human being’s core values for the fastest achievement of their purpose. Eventually preparing one for the highest level of leadership in society.
RECODE MODULE 8, Video 10: Summary and Integration (12:38)
In this video we begin looking at the tactical assets that your model requires for success focusing on making sure your project has at least one asset from each of the 5 key areas.