Recode Activator Module 13
"I'm not trying to council any of you to do anything really special except dare to think. Dare to go with the truth." - Buckminster Fuller
Recode Module 13 Videos
This week's training contains several video clips from luminaries who are recoding the planet and creating a new vision of the future. We've used the Wheel of Co-Creation developed by Evolutionary Storyteller Barbara Marx Hubbard covering 12 key areas of human civilization. Click the video thumbnails below to watch each video.
RECODE MODULE 13, Video 1: Recoding the Planet (30:01)
In this module we will be looking at ways thought leaders are in action recoding the planet. We'll explore this in the 12 key areas of human civilization from Barbara Marx Hubbard's 'Wheel of Co Creation.' We identified some key trends in each area and found video clips of some of the most profound luminaries who are helping to recode our planet. In this module we expose you to these ideas with each luminary giving you window into what the future of humanity is going to look like. Consider your place in bringing about this world.
SECTOR 1: Spirituality & Religion
In the area of Spirituality and Religion we are seeing a trend toward democratization and de-institutionalization of religion with a desire to develop a more personal relationship to spirituality. Synthesizing key insights of the western tradition that says we are all separate selves and the eastern traditions that believe we are all one and the goal of enlightenment is to 'kill' or 'get rid' of our individual ego selves. The trend in spirituality is a deeper recognition that we are both fundamentally interconnected AND we have a unique expression in that larger framework that makes up all that is.
Marc Gafni discussing Unique Self and the democratization of enlightenment
Deepak Chopra explaining in this audio book 'How to Know God' the 7 stages we go through individually and culturally to experience god
Daryl Anka channeling Bashar talks here about the 9 levels of consciousness that create our experience of reality
SECTOR 2: Education & Learning
In this video we look at trends in Learning and Education. A trend from group instruction accessible only through local teachers toward individual instruction available universally online to anyone with subjects taught by the world’s best teachers in that area. We see a movement from one size fits all education to educational platforms which cater to the interests of the one being educated and a focus on learning the art and science of how people actually learn. We see a movement from the primary focus of education on memorization of facts toward a more experiential hyper relevant environment that teaches application which incorporates gamification.
Here are some of the videos we are sharing with you here about how education and learning is being recoded:
Salman Khan talks about Khan Academy which enables students to learn anything! There are over 6000 videos and 458 million lessons at Khan Academy in topics like mathematics, physics, history, and biology.
Bill Joy talks about several big hopes in the areas of health, education, and future technology.
Daphne Koller is enticing top universities to put their most intriguing courses online for free -- not just as a service, but as a way to research how people learn.
SECTOR 3: Communication & Media
In this sector of Communication and Media we look at the trend from conglomerate or government controlled media toward peer-to-peer, ownership sourced media. We look at the power of moving towards more and more access for us to connect with each other has on accelerating the evolution of all aspects of humanity as we now have greater access to information, expertise and perspectives (especially different perspectives). Also, since we have unprecdented access to create and distribute content these days - we are at a time where we don’t have to blindly follow big business info - like TV networks, or news publications that are all essentially owned by the same few corporations, etc.
Kevin Kelly the web is 5000 days old and Kevin Kelly talks about what the next 5000 days will look like...we are basically constructing a single global interconnected machine.
Johanna Blakley talks about social media freeing us from our stereotypes.
We've also included a Mav Social article on The Impact of User-Generated Content especially on our millennial generation and the trend for people to trust user generated content over company websites or news articles.
SECTOR 4: Arts & Culture
In this sector on Arts and Culture we look at the trend of seeing art as simply decorative and passively observed towards an era where art is a vehicle for transformation, participation, and a medium for people's visions to be realized. The trend we are seeing with the rise in visionary art as a more and more popular genre of artistic expression has us using art to explore our relationship to ourselves, to each other, to the world, to our spirituality, to our visions of the future, and as a commentary on our culture. Art is starting to make tangible on canvas an awareness of our multi-dimensional reality and the divine nature of our human experience.
The spread of festival culture in countries all over the world has us experimenting with the formation of intentional communities and new ways of living together, new ways of relating romantically, and new economic models like the gifting economy.
In the Bloom Series Spotlight on Visionary Art you'll see the emergence of a new movement of visionary art and festival culture.
Daniel Pinchbeck in his talk at the Burning Man Festival talks about Art as an instrument of Social Change who are stepping into a new role in society. He talks about the Old Myth vs The New Myth that underlies our actions. The world we see is the Myth that we are in and we are in transition. The old myth of survival of the fittest, competition, capitalism, where humans are separate from nature towards the new myth of collaboration, the holographic universe, the ability of our consciousness to affect our biology, and our interconnectivity with everything.
Chris Jordan's talk on 'Turning Powerful Stats into Art', creates social commentary with his art and shows us an arresting view of what Western culture looks like. His super sized images picture some almost unimaginable statistics — like the astonishing number of paper cups we use every single day or the number of people who die from cigarette smoking.
SECTOR 5: Peacebuilding & Relations
In this sector about Peacebuilding and Relations we are seeing a trend away from power seeking, resource obtaining, loyalty to making peace possible through investing in feminine values and furthering more women in leadership and peacebuilding roles.
Sheryl Sandberg gives an inspiring talk which looks at why a smaller percentage of women than men reach the top of their professions — and offers 3 powerful pieces of advice to women aiming for the C-suite encouraging women to take more leadership roles.
Nathan Otto and Amber Lupton Otto talk about "action through access," a trailblazing approach to activism, which builds on technological advances in both communication and collaboration. They explore a 4-part model applied to how most of us view peace. They also talk about the staggering annual peace dividend of economic benefit of world peace.
Barbara Marx Hubbard writes about her early childhood inspiration to create peace rooms as sophisticated as our war rooms as a means of consciously evolving our civilization in this article: Replacing our 'War Rooms' with 'Peace Rooms'
SECTOR 6: Food, Water & The Environment
In this sector on Food, Water, and Environment we look at the trend from large multi-billion dollar infrastructure systems towards local empowerment and control, micro-grids and invididual well building and more integration with existing decision making powers. Environmentalism is trending toward integration with existing decision making powers rather than protesting against them.
Justin Hall asks us to explores how the power plant of tomorrow is no power plant, no grid - it's a world of free energy available to us at the nanoscale.
Daniel Schmachtenberger talks about the curve of human civilization and how the best environmental scientists deep in the metrics of how the biosphere and life support systems of the planet are changing are deeply concerned about the sustainability of our species on this planet. He builds an inspiring vision for a new trajectory for humanity.
Roman Gaus talks about a growing trend towards Urban Farming and Aquaponics as a means of feeding our growing population and improving our environmental imprint. Did you know that the vegetables you buy in your store have traveled on average 1200 miles (2000 km) before they get to you? These methods can convert unused rooftops and recycled shipping containers to create green houses to feed us.
SECTOR 7: Health & Wellness
In this sector we look at the trend towards more wholistic, simple, local, “clean” food versus calorie counting, restriction diets, chemicals and the trend to using pleasure, supplements and stress-reduction versus medication and deprivation. As we move more towards organic foods, lower chemicals, sustainable practices, increasing our health overall, we are seeing more and more integrated across different platforms of humanity. We also are continuing to explore more and more holistic medical approaches and emotional/psychological connections to our health.
We are entering the area of miniaturization, decentralization, and personalization. We are seeing fast paced advances in new tools, scarless surgeries, wearable robotics, tricorders, microfluidics, nano medicine, tests and apps. The quantified self movement has us having access to real time data about what's happening inside our bodies.
Daniel Kraft in this fast-paced look at the next few years of innovations in medicine, powered by new tools, scarless surgery, wearable robotics, tricorders, microfluidics, nano medicine, tests and apps that bring diagnostic information right to the patient's bedside. He talks about how technology and the trend towards quantified self is augmenting the entire health industry giving us a real time view of what's happening inside our bodies.
Alan Russell studies regenerative medicine — a breakthrough way of thinking about disease and injury, using a process that can signal the body to rebuild itself. We can treat symptoms, we can try to prevent, or we can look to regenerate to induce the body to heal itself once we see signs of disease. Our DNA has the capacity to regenerate which declines as we age and Alan Russell explore this with us in his talk.
SECTOR 8: Economics & Business
In this sector we explore the trends in business and economics towards peer-to-peer sharing, towards mission and towards contribution, towards decentralization versus profit extraction and competition. Here as we look at things like the 'sharing economy', alternative currencies, not-for-profit business structures, triple bottom line, and conscious capitalism. These videos look explore why any system that was financial inequity built in creates social stratification, over consumption, and unsustainability.
Donnie Maclurkan questions our assumption that we should continue to grow, scale, and accumulate. These economic structures drive financial inequity and r unsustainability. In these videos he explores the alternatives of not-for-profit business structures, like not-for-profit B-Corps, which are gaining momentum. Rather than extracting wealth and resources their mission is to redistribute and reinvest that wealth in sustainability and future improvements. These two videos explore new economic systems.
Charles Eisenstein looks at who our old stories are no longer resonating and paints an inspiring vision of a new story Scarcity and debt is built into the money system putting people into competition with each other. We commodify our natural world thus dissociating from it. In this inspiring video he explores our transition into adulthood, into a sacred economy.
Lisa Gansky explores the 'sharing economy' where access trumps ownership and the pursuit of better things shared. The recession, population growth, density of cities, climate change has caused us to rethink our economy and create innovative ways to share peer to peer with one another.
SECTOR 9: Justice
In this sector we explore trends moving from large centralized, policy based justice and governance towards more people control, more transparency, and some cutting edge new models of governance. Here we also explore measuring justice and governance by each individual’s success within the structure versus the reduction of anomalous behavior outside the structure.
The Doing Time Doing Vipassana documentary is the story of an ancient meditation technique which shows people how to take control of their lives and channel them toward their own good.It is the story of a strong woman named Kiran Bedi, who strove to transform the notorious Tihar Prison and turn it into an oasis of peace. But most of all it is the story of prison inmates who underwent profound change, and who realized that incarceration is not the end but possibly a fresh start toward an improved and more positive life.
Edward Snowden a famous NSA whistleblower shows us the growing demand for more transparency and accountability in government.
SECTOR 10: Governance
In this sector we explore trends moving from a large centralized, imposed, policy based, command and control based government towards more a more distributed, transparent, dynamic, consciously evolving and self regulated governance. We are seeing the rise of some cutting edge new models of governance, voting, and decision making with the rise of technology and new communication tools including Holarchy, Sociocracy, and Dynamic governance. Here we also explore measuring governance by each individual’s success within the structure versus the reduction of anomalous behavior outside the structure.
SECTOR 11: Science & Technology
In this sector we explore the trend towards merging technology with our bodies The discussions of microchip implants and how to merge the organic power of a human and the speed and complex decision making of computers is in a high focus for now and into the future as both humanity and technology is evoloving exponentially faster and faster. We are seeing rapid advances in artificial intelligence, virtual reality, 3D printing, performance enhancement, etc. There is a trend from heavily guarded proprietary secrets to open source, a trend from centralized individual data to cloud based storage and computing, a trend from 2D to 3D. Watch the videos below for an inspiring picture of future technology.
Ray Kurzweil explores the future of artificial intelligence and the implications of logarithmic technological development.
Amber Case from DARPA talks about how to achieve impossible things looking at how the fear of failure constrains us and limits our ability to be creative and achieve something truly great.
In the article '15 Startups to Watch in 2015-2016', Digital analyst Brian Solis assembled a list of 15 startups he believes will stand out this year while also sparking new trends. From the sharing economy to AR/VR to 3D Printing to Messaging to Enterprise Collaboration and more, this list will help you see and appreciate top trends happening in Silicon Valley and around the world now.
'A Framework for Bioelectronics' explores the opportunity for dramatically increased synergy between electronics and biology, fostered by the march of electronics technologies to the atomic scale and rapid advances in system, cell, and molecular biology. In the next decade, it may become possible to restore vision or reverse the effects of spinal cord injury or disease; for a lab-on-a-chip to allow medical diagnoses without a clinic or instantaneous biological agent detection. Bioelectronics is the discipline resulting from the convergence of biology and electronics
SECTOR 12: Infrastructure & Resources
In this sector we explore the trend from our current infrastructure which is centralized, extractionary, and commoditizes our resources toward one of whole system design, closed loop design. We are seeing an emergence in things like permaculture, off the grid sustainable architectural designs, transitionary models that have us not only eliminating carbon footprints but also sequestering extra carbon in our atmosphere to help reverse some of the human impact on climate change. In addition we are seeing systemic design challenges being addressed through things like solar powered air conditioning, off grid energy and sanitation, low cost, open source, high performance solutions that anyone can make and put them all in a commons and are owned by everyone and accessible to everyone.
Jacques Fresco in his documentary The Venus Project: Future by Design proposes an alternative vision of what the future can be if we apply what we already know in order to achieve a sustainable new world civilization. It calls for a straightforward redesign of our culture in which the age-old inadequacies of war, poverty, hunger, debt and unnecessary human suffering are viewed not only as avoidable, but as totally unacceptable
Alastair Parvin in his talk Architecture for the people by the people, presents a simple but provocative idea: what if, instead of architects creating buildings for those who can afford to commission them, regular citizens could design and build their own houses? The concept is at the heart of WikiHouse, an open source construction kit that means just about anyone can build a house.
Rob Hopkins in his talk on a Transition to a world without oil reminds us that the oil our world depends on is steadily running out. He proposes a unique solution to this problem — the Transition response, where we prepare ourselves for life without oil and sacrifice our luxuries to build systems and communities that are completely independent of fossil fuels.
Daniel Pinchbeck in his manifesto Toward Rengenerative Society: Plan for Rapid Transition outlines elements f a regenerative culture and a path to attaining it looking at transitioning our energy systems, agricultural systems, an durban design as well as transitioning our society, politics and economy. In this paper he shows us plans on how to transition to 100% clean renewable energy, plans to use permaculture, aquaponics, and biochar to become carbon neutral, urban design which can be built entirely on ecological principles. Our problems are political not technological.
Buckminster Fuller