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Recode Activator Module 7

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in service to others." - Mahatma Gandhi

  • Recode Your Mission, Part 1

    Design A Game For Maximum Participation.  In this module we help you to uncover and align behind your true calling as you develop a model for success that is designed for maximum participation.  Through our global impact assessment and the trainings in this module we’ll help you to develop the right vehicle for your mission and the right sequences of steps to get you there.

Total Alignment Process (part 1)

Recode Module 7 Videos

This week's trainings contain 13 videos  on Recoding Your Mission - Creating A Game for Maximum Participation, where you'll learn how how to align and create a plan to further your mission.  Start each module by watching the videos below and following along with our downloadable Recode Manual.

Each module contains exercises and reflection questions to help you integrate this material.  These exercises will be explained in the videos and will appear in an editable Recode Workbook which you can use to fill in your responses.

Click the video thumbnails below to watch each video or download the audio versions below to listen on the go.  You'll find the Recode Manual and Workbook for Module 7 down below to gain access to the summaries, diagrams, integration exercises, and reflection journal discussed in this video.

RECODE MODULE 7, Video 1: Recoding Your Mission (14:07)

In this video explore the difference between a mission driven and an opportunity driven business or project and what the benefits are of recoding your mission whether you are just starting out or if you already have an established project.

RECODE MODULE 7, Video 2: Global Impact Assessment (14:16)

In this video we introduce our Global Impact Assessment which is a series of 112 questions that examine your project in 8 key areas.  We talk about how to orient yourself to get the most out of this assessment and what your results report will indicate about what your next high leverage next steps are.

RECODE MODULE 7, Video 3: What do you want to make absurd? (16:26)

In this video we begin the process of identifying your mission through 4 considerations.  The first of these considerations is an answer to the question "What do you want to make absurd in 20 years that's 'normal' today?".  Download the RECODE MODULE 7 WORKBOOK to fill in your answers to each of these consideration questions.

RECODE MODULE 7, Video 4: What are your assets? (15:02)

In this video we talk about the 2nd consideration in our series to identifying your mission.  This is an exploration of your assets and your genius.  We will give you a counterintuitive exercise designed to help you find your specific genius.

RECODE MODULE 7,  Video 5: Who do you most love to serve? (9:59)

In this video we walk you through our third consideration to identify your mission as we explore who you most love to serve and the importance of being able to lead them from point A (where they are) to point B (where you are).

RECODE MODULE 7, Video 6: Where do you have credibility? (15:25)

In this video we go through our fourth and final consideration in our exercise to identify your mission which is 'Where do you have credibility?'.  This video is about the importance of working in an area where you have domain expertise and are seen as credible to the people you most hope to serve.  Taking all four of these considerations together we'll have you look at the places where your answers to each of these questions overlap in our Venn Digram right in the center.

RECODE MODULE 7, Video 7: Core Motivational Drivers (17:35)

In this video we look at 7 core motivational drivers that encourage people to shift.  You'll explore which of these drivers is most alive in you and which drivers are best suited to inform how you will create value with your mission.

RECODE MODULE 7, Video 8: Quantified Calling (14:45)

Now that you've explored your mission we take you a step further in our alignment process to take your mission and create a quantified calling statement which begins to ground that mission in something specific, measurable, and actionable.

RECODE MODULE 7, Video 9: Model for Success (8:05)

In this video we look at various models for success both in your current industry and outside your industry to determine which model to emulate and what assets that model depends on for success.  We'll also talk about a common misconception that people have when trying to model their role models.

RECODE MODULE 7, Video 10: Tactical Assets (13:55)

In this video we begin looking at the tactical assets that your model requires for success focusing on making sure your project has at least one asset from each of the 5 key areas.

RECODE MODULE 7, Video 11: Tactical Asset Roadmap (9:54)

In this video we will help you determine what the highest leverage sequence for adding and improving your assets.

RECODE MODULE 7, Video 12: How To Create Assets (16:07)

In this video we'll explore 5 distinct ways to create the tactical assets your project needs to maximize participation and impact.

RECODE MODULE 7, Video 13: Integration & Tools  (4:17)

In this video we finish with some key highlights from this module and the self reflection questions we'd like for you to consider throughout this week.

  • Integration Exercise

    This week we are having you recode your mission by following our total project alignment process which begins with clarifying and identifying your mission and ends with an actionable plan.  In the exercises below you will further refine and deepen your mission, model for success, and the tactical assets you’ll need to develop to create your global game.

    The full instructions are in the RECODE MANUAL AND WORKBOOK for Module 7 with a summary of the exercises below.

    1.  Identifying Your Mission:  This exercise will have you exploring 4 considerations that will help you to recode your mission.  The ‘ideal’ mission will occur where these four considerations overlap.   Next you’ll use explore the core motivational drivers that are best suited to you and your project as a means to create value for your game and then will arrive at a quantified calling statement that will help you to take your mission and form it into a statement that is specific, measurable, and actionable.

    2.  Model For Success:  In this exercise you will be exploring various models of success both within your industry and innovative models in other industries to find one that you can emulate.  Similar to what you did in Module 6 in your systems map, you can deepen your evaluation of the various strategies and models explored and select the one that is most aligned with your mission.

    3.  Tactical Asset Map:  After choosing your model for success you will begin to list each of the key tactical assets that that model relies on for it’s success putting these assets into the right sequence so that you end up building or improving them in the right order.  This exercise will ensure that you have at least 1 asset in each of the 5 key areas and a strategy that you’ll be using to develop that asset.

  • Self Reflections

    Reflections exercises are one or more questions that we’d like you to be in deep consideration of for the entire week.  These are meant to be shared with your family, friends, and community so that they can offer you a more complete 360 view of yourself, your identity, and your reality.

    Everyone has blind spots.  These are areas where we are less developed that are outside our view.  Getting reflections will point out things that you might not ever know yourself.

    In addition, the more you consider these reflection questions the more likely you’ll be able to break through your current level of thinking and use the exercises to leap frog into a new level of consciousness.

    These questions will be posted on the Recode Facebook Forum where they are meant to be responded to by you from week to week.  Here are this weeks reflection exercises:

    1. Talk to the 5 people closest to you and ask them (before you share your mission or work from this module) what they think your mission is.  Listen for how well you have already communicated what your mission is (if at all).  Then, share with them your mission and quantified calling. Then ask them the following 4 questions:
    2. How real, tangible, and believable do they think your mission is?
    3. How enrolled are they in your mission?
    4. How clear is the opportunity for them to participate?
    5. What are they likely to do different in their life because of your mission?


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